Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ten New Year’s Resolutions

1. Be Happy.
Have fun. Enjoy life. Enjoy work. Value my relationships. Don't let the man get me down. Take control of my happiness and do everything I can to make the best of each situation.

2. Be Healthy.
Work out. Eat well. Get rid of life's toxins, whatever they may be. Visit the doctor when needed

3. Live for Today.
Quit always looking for something better, something more. Enjoy what is happening in the here and now before its gone.

4. Be Grateful for All my Blessings.
Show my gratitude, inside and out. Remember all the gifts I've been given and take advantage of them at every turn.

5. Live Within my Means.
Don't spend what I don't have. Pay off my debts. Start saving.

6-10. Rinse and Repeat.

I think this video really sums up my feelings. No excuses. No regrets. Take control and be responsible for your own fate.

1 comment:

RockStarTri said...

Nice list and great commerical.